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B i o g r a p h y

Chia Yin Wu’s musical journey began at a young age in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, where she was immersed in the tradition of Reformed choral and congregational singing and attempted her earliest music compositions. She studied piano and voice at National Taiwan Academy of Arts under pianist Jin Man Lin and soprano Mewas Lin. She later studied with Italian composer Alessandro Sbordoni while pursuing musicology at Pontifcio Istituto di Musica Sacra in Rome, Italy.

She then studied composition at McGill University where her main teachers were Brian Cherney, Jean Lesage, John Rea and Christoph Neidhöfer. She was awarded Outstanding Achievement in Music Composition upon graduation. She studied theology at Knox College, University of Toronto, and received her MDiv in 2009.

She was the composer-in-residence for McGill Chamber Choir, 2003, the winner of the BMO Merit Award by Boston Metro Opera, 2014, and a winner of La Société de Concerts de Montréal's Composition Competition, 2017.

吳佳音,台灣高雄人。基督教會裡豐富的音樂傳統是她的啟蒙。1996年畢業於台灣國立藝專,師事林金滿教授和林惠珍教授。於梵蒂崗聖座音樂院主修音樂學時師事作曲家Alessandro Sbordoni。2003年以優越作曲獎畢業於加拿大麥基爾大學理論作曲組,師事Brian Cherney,Jean Lesage 及Christoph Neidhöffer。 2009年畢業於多倫多大學諾克斯神學院。曾任 McGill Chamber Choir Ensemble 2003年駐團作曲家。2014年Boston Metro Opera†作曲獎得主。2017年 La Société de Concerts de Montréal作曲獎得主。

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